Cnas Breadth Requirements (2025)

1. [PDF] College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences B.S. Breadth Requirements

  • *Note: The Biological Science, Mathematics, Physical Science and additional science requirements will be primarily met by major requirements.

2. Breadth Requirements - CHASS Student Academic Affairs

  • The breadth requirements include the following general areas of study: English composition, natural sciences/math, humanities, social sciences, ethnicity, and ...

  • You must meet the college breadth (general education) requirements in order to obtain a degree. The breadth requirements include the following general areas of study: English composition, natural sciences/math, humanities, social sciences, ethnicity, and foreign language. Breadth requirements for the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree differ from the breadth requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.(B.S.). A complete list of requirements can be reviewed in the UCR General Catalog.

3. Breadth Requirements | Engineering Student Affairs - BCOE Advising

4. CNAS Breadth Sheet Updated Summer 2022


  • Typical courses used to fulfill breadth requirements: Note: No more than two (2) courses in performance may be counted toward the Humanities requirement.


  • BREADTH REQUIREMENTS. BIOLOGY EMPHASIS. Students must maintain 2.0 major, quarter and cumulative. GPA's to remain in good standing in the major. Upper Division ...

7. Seven-Course Breadth - L&S Advising

  • Missing: cnas | Show results with:cnas

  • As the foundation of a liberal arts education, breadth courses give students a view into the intellectual life of the University while introducing them to a multitude of perspectives and approaches to research and scholarship. 

8. [PDF] UCR CNAS General Education Pattern - Transfer Advising Sheet

  • Jun 3, 2023 · Safisfied through complefion of the major requirements: BIOLOGY: BIO 60, 61 CHEMISTRY: CHE 1A, 1B MATH 1A, 1B PHYSICS: PHY 4A, 4B, 4C. Addi onal ...


  • BREADTH REQUIREMENTS. Catalog Year: Grad Term: BCH Summary Worksheet updated 9/30/2021. Biochemistry Elective Courses (3 Units Required). Two Biology Elective ...

10. BCOE Breadth Course List | Engineering Student Affairs

  • Missing: cnas | Show results with:cnas

  • Fall 2024 BCOE Breadth Course List Click here for PDF   Spring 2024 BCOE Breadth Course List Click here for PDF  

Cnas Breadth Requirements (2025)


What happens if I fail a class UCR? ›

Academic policy permits students to enroll again in RE and RF courses if a C-, D+, D, D-, F, or NC was earned the first time. d. It also permits students to enroll again in SR courses if a D+, D, D-, F, or NC was earned the first time.

Do you need a math placement to be placed in a CNAS Scholars Learning Community? ›

In order to enroll, you will need to have taken the Mathematics Advisory Exam, or have another Math placement through AP/Transfer credit. Please visit for more information on the placement test.

What is considered good academic standing at UCR? ›

Good academic standing requires a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA) for work taken at the University of California.

What does subject to disqualification mean in UCR? ›

Good academic standing requires a minimum 2.0 GPA, both for the term and/or cumulative. Academic Probation is the academic standing given when the term and/or cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. Subject to Disqualification is the standing given when either GPA is at or below 1.5.

Is D passing at UCR? ›

All courses shall be graded on the basis of A (distinction, indicating exceptional achievement), B (high pass, indicating more than minimal competence but less than exceptional achievement), C (pass, indicating competence), D (marginal pass), or F (fail).

How bad does a failed class look? ›

A failing grade will likely hurt your GPA (unless you took the course pass/fail), which could jeopardize your financial aid. The failure will end up on your college transcripts and could hurt your chances of getting into graduate school or graduating when you originally planned to.

Do Cnas have to be good at math? ›

Complex calculations are not needed in Nursing, but the level of education required to become a nurse involves some math. Even though most students understand there are math requirements for nursing, they may still be surprised to learn that some of the math they need to learn involves some beginner level calculus.

Does UCR have grade forgiveness? ›

Repeating Courses

Students may repeat up to 16 units of UC coursework in which they received a "D" or an "F" for the purposes of improving their UCR grade point average. Only the first 16 units of coursework that is later repeated will be excluded from the GPA.

Does CNA look good on med school application? ›

By obtaining certification as a CNA, you showcase your drive and determination to pursue a career in healthcare, which can impress medical schools and make your application stand out. Becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant can significantly strengthen your application to medical school.

Who is placed in a CNAS learning community? ›

All CNAS students will be in a Learning Community for their first-year. Honors students are in the Honors Learning Community and all other students will be assigned a CNAS Scholars Learning Community at Highlander Orientation. Our first-year learning communities compose the flagship program for CNAS Scholars.

What is the average GPA at UCR? ›

The average GPA at UC Riverside is 3.94. This makes UC Riverside Extremely Competitive for GPAs. (Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

What GPA is considered good standing? ›

Good Standing

Your Cumulative and CPP GPA are 2.0 or above.

Can you get kicked out of UCR? ›

Violation of any conditions in the written Notice of Loss of Privileges and Exclusion from Activities, or violation of university policies or campus regulations during the period of the sanction may be cause for further disciplinary action, normally in the form of Probation, Suspension, or Dismissal.

How many times can you retake a class at UCR? ›

When a course is repeated, only the 2nd grade will be calculated into the GPA, but the first grade will remain on the transcript. Students have a maximum of 16-units (essentially 4 classes) of repeat for grade replacement. Grades in additional repeats thereafter will be averaged into the GPA.

What does UCR look for in applicants? ›

To meet minimum requirements to be considered for UCR selection, you must earn a minimum GPA of 3.4 on a 4.0 scale (equivalent to an 85 percent on a 100 percent scale). The assessment of a qualifying GPA is based on “a–g” courses (required high school/secondary classes) completed in years 10 and 11.

What happens if you fail one of your classes? ›

Failing one or more classes could result in academic probation or suspension, depending on your school's policy or the requirements for your major. Most schools place students on academic probation if they fall below a minimum 2.0 GPA at the end of any semester.

Can you get into a UC if you fail a class? ›

You need to earn a grade of C or better in each course or a Pass (P) grade if pass is equivalent to a C (2.00). You need to be in good academic standing (GPA 2.00 or above) at the last college/university you attended prior to enrolling at UC.

What happens if you pass lecture but fail lab UCR? ›

Do I have to retake both the lecture and the lab, if I passed one and need to retake the other? Yes. Students who have taken one of our combined lecture/lab courses and did not pass one component must retake the entire course combination.

What happens when you pass fail a class? ›

Pass/fail classes use a binary grading system, meaning they do not record a letter grade on your college transcript. Instead, you will simply earn credit depending on whether you did satisfactory work in the class.

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